日本においてはMMPI-2やMMPI-2-RFの日本版が公刊されておらず、またoriginal MMPIの日本版については、質問項目の訳が適切かどうかといった議論が目立ち、MMPIの研究や活用は他国に後れを取っていました。
Guidelines for Developing Translationsに従って、質問項目の翻訳作業や尺度項目の検討そして各尺度の標準値の算出を行っています。MMPI-3日本版はミネソタ大学に承認された正式版であり、研究結果については国際比較分析も可能です。
original MMPIがミネソタ大学病院精神神経科に所属したS. R. HathawayとJ. C. McKinleyによって開発され、公刊されました。これがMMPIの歴史の始まりです。 550の質問項目(米国では16の重複項目を加えた566項目)で構成され、妥当性尺度と臨床尺度を備えており、後に追加尺度が開発されていきました。
阿部満洲を中心とする3名の先生によって開発されたMMPI日本版が、三京房より公刊されました。original MMPIに基づく日本初の正式版MMPIです。
米国でJ. N. Butcherらによって開発されたMMPI-2が公刊されました。567の質問項目で構成され、妥当性尺度と臨床尺度に加えて、下位尺度、内容尺度、さらに2003年に加わった再構成臨床尺度など120以上の尺度を備えています。
田中富士夫を中心とするMMPI新日本版研究会によって開発されたMMPI新日本版が、三京房より公刊されました。日本版に引き続きoriginal MMPIに基づいています。
米国でY. S. Ben-PorathとA. Tellegenによって開発されたMMPI-2-RFが公刊されました。338の質問項目で構成され、大半の尺度がMMPI-3と同じであり、MMPI-3の原形ということができます。
米国でY. S. Ben-PorathとA. Tellegenによって開発されたMMPI-3が公刊されました。
・Development and validation of an
MMPI-3 Antagonism scale
・Clinical Consultation in the Workplace: Are There Implications for Response Attitudes? ※
・CAT-PD and
MMPI-3 Validity Scales Detect Simulated Overreporting and Underreporting
MMPI-3 Assessment of Externalizing Psychopathology in Targeted Community and University Samples
MMPI-3 Validity Scale Findings Generalize to Concurrently Administered Measures? Validation with a Forensic Disability Sample
・Development and validation of a method for deriving
MMPI-3 scores from MMPI-2/MMPI-2-RF item responses
・Psychopathology and the Validity of Gastrointestisnal Symptom Reporting as Revealed Through Cluster Analyses of
MMPI-2-RF Results
・A comparative study on personality characteristics in individuals with borderline intellectual functioning
・Detection of Psychological Dysfunction and Suicide Risk Among Postpartum Women
・Examining the Criterion and Incremental Validity of the
MMPI-3 Impulsivity Scale
・Perrotta Integrative Clinical Interviews-3 (PICI-3): Development, regulation, updation, and validation of the psychometric instrument for the identification of functional and dysfunctional personality traits and diagnosis of psychopathological disorders, for children (8-10 years), preadolescents (11-13 years), adolescents (14-18 years), adults (19-69 years), and elders (70-90 years) ※
・Exploring Potential Ethnic Bias Among
MMPI-3 Scales in Assessing Personality Psychopathology
・When insurance is not a barrier: psychological factors predicting whether bariatric candidates undergo surgery ※
・Impact of COVID-19 on the Self-Report Assessment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ※
・Development and initial validation of the Scale of Scales (SOS) overreporting scores for the MMPI family of instruments ※
・Development and initial validation of Personality Disorder Syndrome scales for the
・Midfrontal theta reactivity to conflict and error are linked to externalizing and internalizing respectively ※
・Assessing psychopathic traits with the
MMPI-3: Findings from correctional, university, and community samples
・Cross validation of the response bias scale and the response bias scale-19 in active-duty personnel: use on the
MMPI-2-RF and
・Using the
MMPI-2-RF, IOP-29, IOP-M, and FIT in the In-Person and Remote Administration Formats: A Simulation Study on Feigned mTBI
・Determining the
MMPI-3 SUI scale's cross-sectional and prospective utility in suicide risk assessment
・Assessment of PTSD and Trauma Symptoms With the
MMPI-3 in College Students: Validity and Incremental Utility of the Anxiety Related Experiences (ARX) Scale
・Evaluation of telehealth administration of
MMPI symptom validity scales
・Further evidence regarding the convergent and discriminant validity of
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) scores in the preoperative psychological evaluation of patients seeking metabolic and bariatric surgery
・Serum GFAP, NfL, and tau concentrations are associated with worse neurobehavioral functioning following mild, moderate, and severe TBI: a cross-sectional multiple-cohort study ※
・Differences in presurgical
MMPI-3 scores across trajectories of recovery from spine surgery
・Six-year postoperative associations between the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - 3 (MMPI-3) and weight recurrence, eating behaviors, adherence, alcohol misuse, and quality of life
MMPI-2-RF validity scales add utility for predicting treatment engagement during partial psychiatric hospitalizations
・Exploring the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)-3 in a transgender and gender diverse sample
MMPI-3 validity scale effectiveness differences across in-person and telehealth administration procedures
・Comparability of
MMPI-3 scores from remote and in-person administrations and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on MMPI-3 scores
・Additional Validation of the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) Eating Concerns Scale
・The role of obesity severity in
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-2-restructured form prediction of 12-month bariatric surgery outcomes
・The Relationship between Objective and Subjective Measures of Attention ※
・Assessment Methods for Anxiety in Epilepsy ※
・The Role of Adverse Childhood Events and Personality Traits Among Individuals with Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder (FND) ※
・Examination of the relationship between symptom and performance validity measures across referral subtypes ※
・Screening Utility of the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 for Depression in College Students: Relationships with Substantive Scales of the
・The ecological validity of the IOP-29: A follow-up study using the
MMPI-2-RF and the SIMS as criterion variables
・Incremental Contribution of the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 to Predicting One-Year Postoperative Spinal Cord Surgery/Spinal Cord Stimulation Outcomes
・Assessing posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters with the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 in a forensic disability sample
・The Relationship between the Structures of Personality Inventory for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (PID-5) and
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF)
・Construct validation of
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) scales relevant to the assessment of bipolar spectrum disorders
・The utility of the
MMPI-3 in predicting substance use related problems in a clinical neuropsychology sample
MMPI-2-RF Profiles of Treatment-Seeking Veterans in a VA Pain Clinic and Associations with Markers of Physical Performance.
・New Versions of the
MMPI and Rorschach: How Have Training Programs Responded?
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form Profiles Among Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Examining the Effect of Comorbid Psychopathology and ADHD Presentation.
・The use of
MMPI-3 scales to assess personality-based vulnerabilities for alcohol use and problems.
・Psychometric Properties of the
MMPI-3 in a Sample of Black and White American Undergraduate Students: Examining Group Differences and Convergent/Discriminant Validity with the ASEBA Adult Self-Report
・Further mapping of the
MMPI-3 onto HiTOP in a primary medical care and a college student sample
・Investigating the Validity of the
MMPI-3 Eating Concerns (EAT) scale across Men and Women in a University Sample
・Psychological Profiles and 12-Month Weight Outcomes of Women Evaluated for Reoperative Bariatric Surgery ※
・Comparing the Validity of
MMPI-3 Scores in Prehire Psychological Screenings of Male and Female Police Officer Candidates
・Adapting assessment processes to consider cultural mistrust in forensic practices: An example with the
MMPI instruments
・Virtuous victims: Disability claimants who over- and under-report ※
・Mental Health and Personality Characteristics of University Students at Risk of Smartphone Overdependence ※
・Feasibility of
MMPI-2-RF in patients with borderline intellectual functioning
・Associations Between
MMPI-3 and Psychosocial History Findings Obtained in Preemployment Evaluations of Public Safety Candidates
・Examination of the Reliability and Validity of the Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) in a Preoperative Bariatric Surgery Sample
・Does prior law enforcement experience affect scores on preemployment psychological testing? An investigation using the
・Psychometric properties of Spanish-language
MMPI-3 scores in a Puerto Rican parental fitness evaluation setting
・The Meaning and Clinical Implications of Low
MMPI-3 Self-Importance Scores
・Personality Assessment in Legal Contexts: Introduction to the Special Issue ※
・An examination of the
MMPI-3 validity scales in detecting overreporting of psychological problems
MMPI-3 scale predictors of reactions to ostracism in a sample of racially diverse college students
・Associations Between
MMPI-3 Scale Scores and the DSM- 5 AMPD and ICD-11 Dimensional Personality Traits
・Using the
MMPI-3 in Legal Settings
・Reliability and validity of
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) scale scores among patients seeking spine surgery
・Measurement of Eating Pathology Using the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3)
・Evaluating the performance of the
MMPI-3 over-reporting scales: Sophisticated simulators and the effects of comorbid conditions
・Associations between
MMPI-3 scale scores and the DSM-5 personality disorders
MMPI-3 scales onto the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology.
・Criterion validity of
MMPI-3 scores in preemployment evaluations of public safety candidates
・Criterion and Incremental Validity of the
MMPI-3 Eating Concerns Scale in a University Sample
MMPI-3 Predictors of Anxiety Sensitivity and Distress Intolerance
・Utility of the
MMPI-3 validity scales for detecting overreporting and underreporting and their effects on substantive scale validity: A simulation study
・Distinctiveness of the
MMPI-3 Self-Importance and Self-Doubt Scales
・Examining the Psychometric Equivalency of
MMPI-3 Scale Scores Derived From the MMPI-3 and the MMPI-2-RF-EX
・Examination of the
MMPI-3 over-reporting scales in a forensic disability sample
・An Investigation of the Eating Concerns Scale of the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) in a Postoperative Bariatric Surgery Sample
・Examining the criterion and incremental validity of the
MMPI-3 Self-Importance scale
・Psychometric properties of the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) in a clinical neuropsychology setting